Technology with a purpose. We believe in investing in leading technology to improve our jobs and our client service. We take data management and cyber security seriously to ensure your assets are both accessible and secure. From ongoing fraud prevention training to the development of customized processes, CIMS lays the groundwork so that we can work smarter for you.
A Technology Solution Built for You
CIMS develops customized processes and applications for our technology tools, implementing additional layers of protection for our clients’ assets. One of the most highly customizable technology solutions for HOA management, CIMS employs Vantaca to streamline our processes and deliver information in manner that meets the specific needs of our clients. Dozens of specialized workflows built by CIMS help us to proactively manage the community, track progress and deliver our work product to clients as promised, often ahead of schedule.
Board Packet Workflow
Our Board packet workflow manages the delivery of meeting materials to Board members based on scheduled meeting dates. The automated process prompts community managers with action items and due dates, and customized reporting allows the company to track progress across our entire employee and client base, ensuring packets are delivered with ample time for Boards to prepare for meetings.
Financial Statement Workflow
The financial workflow sets deadlines and prioritizes work across the month based on meeting dates to ensure financials are delivered to Board members ahead of scheduled meetings. The Board is automatically notified of new financial statements the moment they are completed. Our proprietary, custom-built reporting system allows the supervisory team to confirm that financials are delivered on time each month.
Information at Your Fingertips

The Vantaca Homeowner Portal is designed to provide self-service and full access to homeowner information.
• Owners can log into the portal to obtain not only forms and documents, but also details and status of architectural applications, work orders, violations and payments.
• Through the Vantaca/Zego partnership, owners have the ability to make payments by EFT, debit or credit card 24/7, and those payments are applied immediately to the owner account.
• When a member of our team updates a work order, an owner logged into the system can see the update in real time.
• Owners have full control of their data within Vantaca, determining if and what contact information can be made available to neighbors.
• The portal is also used for sending broadcast emails and information to owners electronically.
• Meeting agendas, maintenance reminders and other important announcements are sent through the system and logged in owner accounts, so that all communication (whether general or direct) is included in the owner’s history.
The Board Portal provides even greater detail to registered Board members.
• Board members have real-time access to the homeowner database, including account information, collections, work order status, violations, and site inspection reports.
• Access to detailed financial data, including aging reports, bank statements and all paid invoices.
• Invoice search feature for all current and past invoices, including EFT payments, with images resulting in more effective project and vendor management, budgeting and financial forecasting.
• Ability to review and approve architectural applications and take other Board actions within the system.
• Board only library with board packets, customized reports, draft documents and more.
Community Management On-The-Go
Meaningful Site Inspections
Our community managers have full access to the cloud-based system on their phones and tablets, allowing them to access information, submit work orders and prepare violations within the system while on-site. They can upload photos, check status, escalate an open violation, review homeowner correspondence, submit an inquiry to a vendor, and access pending and approved architectural applications.
Swift Emergency Response
Our community managers are on-call 24/7 to ensure those most familiar with a property are the ones handling the emergency. Full access to HOA data, including homeowner contact information, access codes, instruction manuals, vendors, maps, etc. when handing emergency calls on the go allows our managers to respond faster and more accurately, improving the homeowner experience and reducing risk of significant property damage.

Enhancing Partnerships and the Client Experience
Vantaca’s integration with our additional technology partners allows us to work more efficiently, ensuring greater security of client data and delivering information more quickly.
Banking partners communicate directly with Vantaca and statements are downloaded automatically to the system, allowing completion of financial statements more quickly and earlier in the month than ever before.
Homeowners are offered various flexible payment options, directing how and when their assessments are paid. All homeowner banking information is maintained and managed by Zego, a Global Payments company specializing in financial data and payment security. Information is protected outside of our system with payments automatically updated in Vantaca in real time.
Strong Room, our electronic check-signing and accounts payable partner, allows invoice history search and management through Vantaca, improving our back-office A/P process and providing a one-stop location for invoice review and search through the Vantaca Board portal.
HomeWiseDocs, a leading escrow service provider for homeowners associations, communicates with Vantaca to obtain automated demand information, cutting down on staff time and improving escrow response.
Banking Partners
Banking partners communicate directly with Vantaca and statements are downloaded automatically to the system, allowing completion of financial statements more quickly and earlier in the month than ever before.
Flexible Payment Options
Homeowners are offered various flexible payment options, directing how and when their assessments are paid. All homeowner banking information is maintained and managed by Zego, a Global Payments company specializing in financial data and payment security. Information is protected outside of our system with payments automatically updated in Vantaca in real time.
Strong Room
Strong Room, our electronic check-signing and accounts payable partner, allows invoice history search and management through Vantaca, improving our back-office A/P process and providing a one-stop location for invoice review and search through the Vantaca Board portal.
Escrow Service
HomeWiseDocs, a leading escrow service provider for homeowners associations, communicates with Vantaca to obtain automated demand information, cutting down on staff time and improving escrow response.
Homeowner Self-Service and Quick Response Times